Stewart G. Eidelson M.D. Logo


Delray Beach FL Office
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Delray Beach FL Office

(561) 742-5959 (info)

Publications and Presentations

Eidelson SG, Whitfield GF, Lazar AM, Shults RJ, Cohn J, Scoliosis-Cardiopulmonary Complications. Hospital Physician. December 1979, 32-37

Eidelson SG, A Review of Treatment of CDH with a Minimum of Fifteen Years Follow-up. A Retrospective presented at the Lexington Shriner's Hospital for Crippled Children, 1988

Eidelson SG, Pizzutillo PD. Persistent Femoral Anteversion and Knee Pain. 1989

Eidelson SG, Keppler L, Cochran J, Biscup R, Steffee A, Closing Wedge Osteotomy For The Reduction of Thoracolumbar Kyphosis. 1991

The Functional Recovery of Elderly Patients Undergoing Lumbar Spinal Decompression With and Without Pedicle Fixation. Presented to Florida Orthopedic Society. October of 1994.

Brown LE, Findley BW, Whitehurst M, Eidelson SG, Gilbert R, Ferrigno V, Groo, DR, Ward JA, Relationship Between the Shoulder Rotation Power Velocity Curve and Service Velocity in College Tennis Players. USTA National Conference on Sports Medicine and Science in Tennis. Key Biscayne, FL, April 26-30, 1995

Eidelson SG, Brown LE, Whitehurst M, Functional Outcome Following Corrective Spine Surgery In The Elderly. 2nd International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques, Curacao, Netherlands Antilles. April 26-29, 1995

Eidelson SG, Brown LE, Whitehurst M, Functional Outcome Following Corrective Spine Surgery In The Elderly. Advanced Isola Seminar, Kansas City, MO, May 4-5, 1995

Eidelson SG, Brown LE, Findley BW, Whitehurst M, Gilbert R, Groo DR, Ward JA, Effect of Gender on Acceleration Fatigue During Knee Extension on an Isokinetic Device. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, May 30 - June 2, 1995

Groo DR, Brown LE, Findley BW, Whitehurst M, Eidelson SG, Gilbert R, Ward JA, Effect of Single versus Reciprocal Repetitions on Acceleration in Females During Knee Extension on an Isokinetic Device. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, May 30 - June 2, 1995

Eidelson SG, Brown LE, Findley BW, Whitehurst M, Gilbert R, Groo DR, Ward JA, Effect of Gender on Acceleration Fatigue During Knee Extension on an Isokinetic Device. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, May 30 - June 2, 1995

Ward JA, Brown LE, Findley BW, Whitehurst M, Eidelson SG, Gilbert R, Groo DR, Effect of Number of Repetitions on Acceleration in Females During Knee Extension on an Isokinetic Device. National Strength and Conditioning Association Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, June 21 - June 24, 1995

Gilbert R, Brown LE, Findley BW, Whitehurst M, Eidelson SG, Groo DR, Ward JA, Anthropometric Effects on Power in Females During Knee Extension on an Isokinetic Device. National Strength and Conditioning Association Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, June 21 - June 24, 1995.

Ferrigno V, Brown LE, Whitehurst M, Eidelson SG, Findley, BW, Gilbert R, The Shoulder Rotation Relative Power Velocity Curve In Elite Male Junior Tennis Players. National Strength and Conditioning Association Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, June 21 - June 24, 1995.

Brown LE, Eidelson SG, Findley BW, Whitehurst M, Gilbert R, Groo DR, Ward JA, Effect of Muscle Fiber Type on Acceleration Fatigue During Knee Extension on an Isokinetic Device. National Strength and Conditioning Association Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, June 21 - 24, 1995.

Eidelson SG, Brown LE, Whitehurst M, Functional Outcome Following Corrective Spine Surgery In The Elderly. GICD Congress, Ashville, NC, September 12-13, 1995.

Eidelson SG, Brown LE, Whitehurst M, Post-Surgical Laminectomy Functional Recovery In An Elderly Population. North American Spine Society Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, October 18-21, 1995.

Eidelson SG, Brown, LE, Whitehurst M, Functional Outcome Following Corrective Spine Surgery In The Elderly. Florida Orthopaedic Society, Atlanta, GA, November 4, 1995.

Eidelson SG, Brown LE, Whitehurst M, Three-Month Functional Outcome Following Spinal Decompression In The Elderly. Southern Medical Association 89th Annual Assembly
Kansas City, MO, November 16-19, 1995

Eidelson SG, Brown LE, Whitehurst M, Functional Outcome Following Corrective Spine Surgery In The Elderly. GICD Congress. Beaver Creek, CO, January 14-18, 1996.

Brown LE, Eidelson SG, Whitehurst M,.Functional Outcome Following Corrective Surgery In The Elderly with Comparison to a Non-Operative Population. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Atlanta, GA, February 22-26, 1996

Eidelson SG, Outcomes In Managed Care Following Spinal Surgery. Sofamor Danek, Tucson, AZ, May 8-11, 1996

Whitehurst M, Brown LE, Eidelson SG, Spinal Surgery Improves Function In Elderly Patients. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 1996. America College of Sports Medicine, Cincinnati, OH, May 28 - June 2, 1996

Eidelson SG, Brown LE, Whitehurst M, Lebwohl L, Brown M, Stambough J, A New Functional Index To Measure Surgical Outcomes. The Palm Beach Spine Index (PBSI). 3rd International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques, Munich, Germany, June 19-22, 1996

Eidelson SG, Whitehurst M, Brown LE, The Palm Beach Spine Index: A Functional Measure of Postlaminectomy Patients. Operative Techniques in Orthopaedics, Vol 7, No 1 (January), 1997, pp 1-5

Eidelson SG, Brown LE, Whitehurst M, Gilreath G, Objective Outcome Measurements Following Lumbar Laminectomy Surgery. 6th Annual Course on Complications in the Surgical Management of Spinal Disorders, Beaver Creek, CO, January 18-22, 1997

Eidelson SG, Brown LE, Whitehurst M, Gilreath G, Objective Outcome Measurements Following Lumbar Laminectomy Surgery. 3rd Annual International Course On Total Spine, Cancun, Mexico, February 1-3, 1997

Eidelson S.G., Whitehurst M, Brown L.E. Objective Outcome Measurements Following Lumbar Laminectomy Surgery. Southern Orthopaedic Association, Pebble Beach, CA, July 24-26, 1997

Eidelson SG, Whitehurst M, Brown LE, Functional Outcome Following Corrective Spine Surgery In The Elderly. 8th Annual Meeting of the European Spine Society, Kos - Hellas, Greece, September 10-13, 1997

Eidelson SG, Whitehurst M, Brown LE, Functional Outcome Following Corrective Spine Surgery In The Elderly. 8th International Conference on Lumbar Fusion and Stabilization (ICLFS 97), San Antonio, TX, September 30 - October 4, 1997

Eidelson SG, Functional Outcome Measurements After Spinal Fusion Fourth Stryker Cage Meeting, Bordeaux, France, April 30 -May 1, 1998

International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques, Performance Based Functional Tests: Assessing Surgical Outcomes in Patients with Spinal Stenosis, Sorrento, Italy,
May 1-3, 1998

Florida Orthopaedic Society Annual Meeting, Performance Based Functional Mobility Tests: Assessing Surgical Outcomes in Patients with Spinal Stenosis. May 15-17, 1998

Southern Orthopaedic Association 15th Annual Meeting. Performance-based Functional Tests: Assessing Surgical Outcomes in Patients with Spinal Stenosis. Santa Fe, NM,
July 30 - August 1, 1998

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting 1999, Assessing Surgical Outcomes in Patients with Spinal Stenosis. Anaheim, California, February 4-8, 1999

Ninth International Conference on Lumbar Fusion and Stabilization. Post-Surgical Functional Outcomes in Patients with Spinal Stenosis , Lancashire, Preston, United Kingdom, May 31 - June 4, 1999

Eidelson S, Whitehurst M, Gilreath G, Save Your Aching Back. SYA Press, Inc., United States, published 1999

The 24th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Orthopaedic Physicians Assistants. Orthopaedics in the New Millennium. West Palm Beach, FL, July 12-14, 2000

Whitehurst M. Brown LE, Eidelson SG, D'Angelo A, Functional Mobility Performance in an Elderly Population with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis, The Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Vol. 82, April 2001

Eidelson SG, Merson MA, Adarmes DA, The Protective Role of Steroid Loading in the Post-Laminectomy Patient with Spinal Stenosis. The International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques (IMAST), Paradise Island, Bahamas,
July 12-14, 2001

Eidelson SG, Lab Instructor, "Challenges to Spine Surgery",
Royal Sonesta Hotel, New Orleans, LA,
December 7-8, 2001

Challenges to Spine Surgery Symposium - The Venetian, (1) Post-operative Steroid Loading in Laminectomy Patients: A Retrospective Review, and (2) The Role of the Internet in Building a Spine Practice, Las Vegas, NV, April 27, 2002

Eidelson SG, Whitehurst M, Gilreath G, Save Your Aching Back and Neck, 2nd Edition, A Patient’s Guide, published April 23, 2002

Eidelson SG, Table Instructor, Bioskills Workshop II: Lumbar Fixation/Break, "Challenges to Spine Surgery", Hyatt Cerromar Beach Resort, Puerto Rico, January 10 and 11, 2003

Eidelson SG, "A New Protocol For Use in Elderly Patients Undergoing Spinal Decompression and Fusion." Poster presentation accepted for exhibition at the 2003 Joint Meeting of the Eastern and Southern Orthopaedic Association in Dublin, Ireland, July 31 - August 1, 2003

Nucleotome for Automated Percutaneous Lumbar Discectomy workshop. January 23, 2005

Radionics Radiofrequency & discTRODE Cadaver Lab. Hands-on training course. January 23, 2005

Eidelson SG, Spinasanta Susan A,"Advanced Technologies to Treat Neck and Back Pain", A Patient’s Guide. Published March 2005

Eidelson SG, Wilkerson Jani of SYA Press and Research, Inc.: A Novel Procedure Using Bone Cement Technique to Protect Against Adjacent Level Disc Destruction Due to Pedicle Screw Penetration. International Intradiscal Therapy Society, Inc. IITS 18th Annual. San Diego, CA, May 2005

Clinical Shop Instructor, Spinal Study Group, Aesculap. Four Seasons Hotel, Palm Beach, FL, June 11, 2005

Eidelson SG, Wilkerson Jani of SYA Press and Research, Inc.: "Proven and Effective Approach to Patient Education" Orthopaedic Education Summit, Encore Medical, L.P. Bachelor Gulch, CO, January 5-8, 2006

Eidelson SG, Wilkerson Jani of SYA Press and Research, Inc.: "Analysis of Postoperative Complications in Lumbar Decompression with Fusion and Instrumentation Patients as a Function of Comorbidity in the Elderly". Florida Orthopaedic Society and Alabama Orthopaedic Society, Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort, Sandestin, FL, May 18-21, 2006

Eidelson SG, Wilkerson Jani of SYA Press and Research, Inc.: "Analysis of Postoperative Complications in Lumbar Decompression with Fusion and Instrumentation Patients as a Function of Comorbidity in the Elderly". 16th Annual Meeting European Orthopaedic Research Society, Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute, Bologna, Italy, June 8, 2006

Eidelson SG, Wilkerson Jani of SYA Press and Research, Inc.: "New fixation technique to treat loosening of lumbar pedicle screws" The Society for Back Pain Research, Gisborough Hall, Guisborough North Yorkshire, England, November 2-3, 2006

Eidelson SG, Wilkerson Jani of SYA Press & Research, Inc.: "Novel Use of IPD: Greater Decompression with Laminectomy". Florida Orthopaedic Society, Disney’s Contemporary Resort. Orlando, FL, May 17-20, 2007

Eidelson SG, Wilkerson Jani of SYA Press and Research, Inc.: "Spinal Flexometer: Measurements that potentially reflex changes in pain". Neuropathic Pain 2nd International Conference, Intercontinental Berlin Hotel. Belin, Germany June 7-10, 2007

Eidelson SG, Wilkerson Jani of SYA Press and Research, Inc.: "Pilot Study on a New Anchoring Technique to Treat Loosening Screws" and "Retrospective Study on Lumbar Instrumentation Cases: Postoperative Complications as a Function of Comorbidity." The International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine 24th Annual Meeting, Grand Hyatt Hotel, Hong Kong, China, June 10-14, 2007

Eidelson SG, Wilkerson Jani of SYA Press and Research, Inc.: "Analysis of Postoperative Complications As A Function of Comorbidity In Elderly Lumbar Instrumentation Cases." Eastern & Southern Orthopaedic Associations. Fairmont Empress Hotel, Victoria, BC, Canada, August 1-4, 2007

Eidelson SG, Eidelson Sarah. “IPD – Interspinous Process Decompression”. Florida Orthopaedic Society. Ocean Reef Club, Florida Keys, May 16, 2008.

Eidelson SG, “ Analysis of Elderly Patients Undergoing Lumbar Decompression and Fusion Using Minimally Invasive Implants as a Function of Co morbidity”. 2008 Annual Meeting of the Society for Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery. Green Valley Ranch Resort, Henderson, NV November 14, 2008.

Eidelson SG, Eidelson Sarah. “IPD – Intraspinous Process Decompression With Bone Dowel Fusion”. First International Bauerfeind Meeting of the Spine. Ritz Carlton Hotel, Palm Beach, FL April 16th – 18th, 2009.

Eidelson SG, “Evaluation of New Less Invasive Implants (IPI), Treating Significant Lumbar Spinal Stenosis In High Risk Elderly Patients” Poster presentation at Southern Orthopedic Association 26th Annual Meeting. Amelia Island Plantation, Amelia Island, FL July 15-18, 2009.

Eidelson SG., Eidelson David, Ingwer Zach, Geisse Hildegarde. “A Less Invasive Technique Using Interspinous Process Decompression Implants (IPI) with Bone Dowel Fusion for Moderate to Severe Spinal Stenosis. Society for Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery 2009 Meeting.
Las Vegas, NV October 9-12, 2009.

Eidelson SG., Geisse Hildegarde, Fleming John, Eidelson David. “New Techniques Treating Elderly Patients with Radicular Pain and Neuropathic Symptoms Using Interspinous Process Implants (MLIF) for Severe Lumbar Spondylosis.
3rd International Congress on Neuropathic Pain.
Athens, Greece May 27-30, 2010.

Eidelson SG., Geisse Hildegarde, Eidelson David, Fleming John. “Treating 25 Elderly Patients With Multiple Comorbidities Using Interspinous Process Implants (MLIF) for Severe Lumbar Spondylosis With No Postoperative Surgical Wound Infections”. Southern Orthopaedic Association 27th Annual Meeting.
Fajardo, Puerto Rico. June 16-19, 2010

Eidelson SG., Geisse Hildegarde, Fleming John, Eidelson David, Eidelson Sarah. “Treating 25 Elderly Patients with Multiple Comorbidities Using Interspinous Process Implants (IPI) for Severe Lumbar Spondylosis with no Postoperative Surgical Wound Infections” 13th World Congress on Pain
Montreal, Quebec, Canada August 29 – September 2, 2010

Eidelson SG., Geisse Hildegarde, Eidelson David, Eidelson Sarah. “Treating 25 Elderly Patients with Multiple Comorbidities Using Interspinous Process Implants (IPI) for Severe Lumbar Spondylosis with No Postoperative Surgical Wound Infections” Eastern Orthopaedic Association 41st Annual Meeting
Naples, FL October 13-16, 2010

Eidelson SG., Fleming John, Eidelson Sarah, Eidelson David. “A New Technique for Providing Minimally Invasive 360 Degree Spinal Fusions Using A Combination of Min-Peek* Inserted Through A Unique Tube With Posterior Instrumentations For Patients With Foraminal Stenosis.”
2010 Annual Meeting - Society For Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery.
Miami, FL. November 5-7, 2010

Eidelson SG., Fleming John, Eidelson Sarah. “A New Technique for Treating Elderly Patients with Moderate to Severe Spinal Stenosis with Interspinous Process Implants (IPI) and Bone Dowel after Foraminal Decompression.” 7th. Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Pain.
Los Angeles, CA. November 9-12, 2010.

Eidelson SG., Eidelson David. “Treating 25 Elderly Patients with Multiple Comorbidities
Using Less Instrumentation and Fusion for Moderate to Severe Stenosis" Southern Orthopaedic Association’s Annual Meeting. White Sulpher Springs, WV July 18-21, 2012.

Eidelson SG, Eidelson David, Eidelson Sarah. “Analysis Of Postoperative Pain Reduction As A Function Of Comorbidities In Elderly Patients.” Oral Presentation. Southern Orthopedic Association Annual Meeting. Ritz Carlton, West Palm Beach, FL July 17 -20, 2013.

Eidelson David, Eidelson SG, Paoletti Vivienne . “Post-operative interventional pain procedures in the elderly population lowers the use of opioids and improves surgical outcomes following spinal fusion for degenerative spinal stenosis” Poster Presentation. American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 15th Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA November 17-19, 2016.

Eidelson SG, Eidelson David, Paoletti Vivienne. "Post-Operative Injections in the Elderly Population Decreased the Necessity for Opiates Following Spinal Fusion" Clinical Orthopaedic Society. Austin TX Sept 27, 2018

LastUpdate: 2018-12-24 02:35:42